- Bed pads: Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
- Devel
Bed pads: Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
Primary tabs
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Bed pads: Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
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As I have gotten older, I have been having more and more difficulty making it to the bathroom at night. In fact, I have to wash and change my bed sheets at least every other night because of a toileting accident. Do you by any chance know of an absorbent bed pad or special linen that will protect my sheets and mattress?
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safe_value (String, 321 characters ) As I have gotten older, I have been having more...
As I have gotten older, I have been having more and more difficulty making it to the bathroom at night. In fact, I have to wash and change my bed sheets at least every other night because of a toileting accident. Do you by any chance know of an absorbent bed pad or special linen that will protect my sheets and mattress?
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value (String, 2979 characters ) <p>There are a number of incontinence products ...
<p>There are a number of incontinence products available on the market, which suggests that there are many people experiencing the same challenges as you. Below are direct links to some examples of products designed to absorb leakage and to protect bed linens:</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/extra-protection-underpad/3540035500,en_CA,pd.html#gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn3b2kIxmzYOmgh7KnHl9RXI_sG83a7Fa1HlxNeDDpgJmvC9czams4aAsM0EALw_wcB&start=1" target="_blank">Extra Protection Underpads</a> by Tena (at <em>Tena Canada</em>) are disposable pads designed to provide protection for your bed or chair from toileting accidents. This product offers a soft, interior lining that helps to absorb leakage, reduce odors and maintain dryness. Additionally, the moisture proof lining protects linens. The cost of this product is about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee, for a pack of eight. You can also find Tena products in many Canadian pharmacy and department stores, including Pharmasave, London Drugs, Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart. </li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Remedies-Washable-Bed-Pads-Incontinence/dp/B07CGCRLZR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1535044885&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washable+waterproof+bed+pads&psc=1" target="_blank">Remedies Washable Bed Pads</a> by ReMED (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>) is a reusable and durable waterproof barrier that can absorb up to eight cups of liquid and are reusable for 300+ washes. This product costs about $70 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> <li><img alt="MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads, by AMG Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/AMGMedical_MedProWaterproofUnderpads.jpg" style="float:right; height:200px; width:250px" /><a href="https://healthwick.ca/products/medpro-quilted-washable-waterproof-underpads" target="_blank">MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads</a> by AMG Medical (at Healthwick) protect chairs, beds and other furniture. These pads, which comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) have an extra absorbent polyester and rayon filling and a waterproof backing to prevent leaks. The cost of this product ranges from about $25 to $45 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> </ul> <p>You may also be interested in knowing about wearable incontinence products, such as those listed below:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.healthwick.ca/brands/Attends.html?sort=bestselling&gclid=CjwKCAjw8r_XBRBkEiwAjWGLlNPEmJZdDE9vCNXPiLDXpxXOfsYAMt09bBSnMKvnZneziwETaBKkMBoCcNoQAvD_BwE" target="_blank">Attends underwear products</a> (at <em>Healthwick</em>)</li> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/underwear/WomensUnderwear,en_CA,sc.html" target="_blank">Tena overnight underwear products</a> (at <em>Tena Canada</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.depend.com/i18n/mens-solutions/index.html" target="_blank">Depend maximum absorbency underwear</a> (at <em>Depend Canada</em>)</li> </ul>
format (String, 29 characters ) full_html_with_limited_editor
safe_value (String, 2919 characters ) <p>There are a number of incontinence products ...
<p>There are a number of incontinence products available on the market, which suggests that there are many people experiencing the same challenges as you. Below are direct links to some examples of products designed to absorb leakage and to protect bed linens:</p> <ul><li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/extra-protection-underpad/3540035500,en_CA,pd.html#gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn3b2kIxmzYOmgh7KnHl9RXI_sG83a7Fa1HlxNeDDpgJmvC9czams4aAsM0EALw_wcB&start=1" target="_blank">Extra Protection Underpads</a> by Tena (at <em>Tena Canada</em>) are disposable pads designed to provide protection for your bed or chair from toileting accidents. This product offers a soft, interior lining that helps to absorb leakage, reduce odors and maintain dryness. Additionally, the moisture proof lining protects linens. The cost of this product is about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee, for a pack of eight. You can also find Tena products in many Canadian pharmacy and department stores, including Pharmasave, London Drugs, Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart. </li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Remedies-Washable-Bed-Pads-Incontinence/dp/B07CGCRLZR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1535044885&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washable+waterproof+bed+pads&psc=1" target="_blank">Remedies Washable Bed Pads</a> by ReMED (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>) is a reusable and durable waterproof barrier that can absorb up to eight cups of liquid and are reusable for 300+ washes. This product costs about $70 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> <li><img alt="MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads, by AMG Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/AMGMedical_MedProWaterproofUnderpads.jpg" style="float:right; height:200px; width:250px" /><a href="https://healthwick.ca/products/medpro-quilted-washable-waterproof-underpads" target="_blank">MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads</a> by AMG Medical (at Healthwick) protect chairs, beds and other furniture. These pads, which comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) have an extra absorbent polyester and rayon filling and a waterproof backing to prevent leaks. The cost of this product ranges from about $25 to $45 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> </ul><p>You may also be interested in knowing about wearable incontinence products, such as those listed below:</p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.healthwick.ca/brands/Attends.html?sort=bestselling&gclid=CjwKCAjw8r_XBRBkEiwAjWGLlNPEmJZdDE9vCNXPiLDXpxXOfsYAMt09bBSnMKvnZneziwETaBKkMBoCcNoQAvD_BwE" target="_blank">Attends underwear products</a> (at <em>Healthwick</em>)</li> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/underwear/WomensUnderwear,en_CA,sc.html" target="_blank">Tena overnight underwear products</a> (at <em>Tena Canada</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.depend.com/i18n/mens-solutions/index.html" target="_blank">Depend maximum absorbency underwear</a> (at <em>Depend Canada</em>)</li> </ul>
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Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
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Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
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As I have gotten older, I have been having more and more difficulty making it to the bathroom at night. In fact, I have to wash and change my bed sheets at least every other night because of a toileting accident. Do you by any chance know of an absorbent bed pad or special linen that will protect my sheets and mattress?
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 321 characters ) As I have gotten older, I have been having more...
As I have gotten older, I have been having more and more difficulty making it to the bathroom at night. In fact, I have to wash and change my bed sheets at least every other night because of a toileting accident. Do you by any chance know of an absorbent bed pad or special linen that will protect my sheets and mattress?
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As I have gotten older, I have been having more and more difficulty making it to the bathroom at night. In fact, I have to wash and change my bed sheets at least every other night because of a toileting accident. Do you by any chance know of an absorbent bed pad or special linen that will protect my sheets and mattress?
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value (String, 2979 characters ) <p>There are a number of incontinence products ...
<p>There are a number of incontinence products available on the market, which suggests that there are many people experiencing the same challenges as you. Below are direct links to some examples of products designed to absorb leakage and to protect bed linens:</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/extra-protection-underpad/3540035500,en_CA,pd.html#gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn3b2kIxmzYOmgh7KnHl9RXI_sG83a7Fa1HlxNeDDpgJmvC9czams4aAsM0EALw_wcB&start=1" target="_blank">Extra Protection Underpads</a> by Tena (at <em>Tena Canada</em>) are disposable pads designed to provide protection for your bed or chair from toileting accidents. This product offers a soft, interior lining that helps to absorb leakage, reduce odors and maintain dryness. Additionally, the moisture proof lining protects linens. The cost of this product is about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee, for a pack of eight. You can also find Tena products in many Canadian pharmacy and department stores, including Pharmasave, London Drugs, Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart. </li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Remedies-Washable-Bed-Pads-Incontinence/dp/B07CGCRLZR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1535044885&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washable+waterproof+bed+pads&psc=1" target="_blank">Remedies Washable Bed Pads</a> by ReMED (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>) is a reusable and durable waterproof barrier that can absorb up to eight cups of liquid and are reusable for 300+ washes. This product costs about $70 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> <li><img alt="MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads, by AMG Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/AMGMedical_MedProWaterproofUnderpads.jpg" style="float:right; height:200px; width:250px" /><a href="https://healthwick.ca/products/medpro-quilted-washable-waterproof-underpads" target="_blank">MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads</a> by AMG Medical (at Healthwick) protect chairs, beds and other furniture. These pads, which comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) have an extra absorbent polyester and rayon filling and a waterproof backing to prevent leaks. The cost of this product ranges from about $25 to $45 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> </ul> <p>You may also be interested in knowing about wearable incontinence products, such as those listed below:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.healthwick.ca/brands/Attends.html?sort=bestselling&gclid=CjwKCAjw8r_XBRBkEiwAjWGLlNPEmJZdDE9vCNXPiLDXpxXOfsYAMt09bBSnMKvnZneziwETaBKkMBoCcNoQAvD_BwE" target="_blank">Attends underwear products</a> (at <em>Healthwick</em>)</li> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/underwear/WomensUnderwear,en_CA,sc.html" target="_blank">Tena overnight underwear products</a> (at <em>Tena Canada</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.depend.com/i18n/mens-solutions/index.html" target="_blank">Depend maximum absorbency underwear</a> (at <em>Depend Canada</em>)</li> </ul>
format (String, 29 characters ) full_html_with_limited_editor
safe_value (String, 2919 characters ) <p>There are a number of incontinence products ...
<p>There are a number of incontinence products available on the market, which suggests that there are many people experiencing the same challenges as you. Below are direct links to some examples of products designed to absorb leakage and to protect bed linens:</p> <ul><li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/extra-protection-underpad/3540035500,en_CA,pd.html#gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn3b2kIxmzYOmgh7KnHl9RXI_sG83a7Fa1HlxNeDDpgJmvC9czams4aAsM0EALw_wcB&start=1" target="_blank">Extra Protection Underpads</a> by Tena (at <em>Tena Canada</em>) are disposable pads designed to provide protection for your bed or chair from toileting accidents. This product offers a soft, interior lining that helps to absorb leakage, reduce odors and maintain dryness. Additionally, the moisture proof lining protects linens. The cost of this product is about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee, for a pack of eight. You can also find Tena products in many Canadian pharmacy and department stores, including Pharmasave, London Drugs, Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart. </li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Remedies-Washable-Bed-Pads-Incontinence/dp/B07CGCRLZR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1535044885&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washable+waterproof+bed+pads&psc=1" target="_blank">Remedies Washable Bed Pads</a> by ReMED (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>) is a reusable and durable waterproof barrier that can absorb up to eight cups of liquid and are reusable for 300+ washes. This product costs about $70 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> <li><img alt="MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads, by AMG Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/AMGMedical_MedProWaterproofUnderpads.jpg" style="float:right; height:200px; width:250px" /><a href="https://healthwick.ca/products/medpro-quilted-washable-waterproof-underpads" target="_blank">MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads</a> by AMG Medical (at Healthwick) protect chairs, beds and other furniture. These pads, which comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) have an extra absorbent polyester and rayon filling and a waterproof backing to prevent leaks. The cost of this product ranges from about $25 to $45 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> </ul><p>You may also be interested in knowing about wearable incontinence products, such as those listed below:</p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.healthwick.ca/brands/Attends.html?sort=bestselling&gclid=CjwKCAjw8r_XBRBkEiwAjWGLlNPEmJZdDE9vCNXPiLDXpxXOfsYAMt09bBSnMKvnZneziwETaBKkMBoCcNoQAvD_BwE" target="_blank">Attends underwear products</a> (at <em>Healthwick</em>)</li> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/underwear/WomensUnderwear,en_CA,sc.html" target="_blank">Tena overnight underwear products</a> (at <em>Tena Canada</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.depend.com/i18n/mens-solutions/index.html" target="_blank">Depend maximum absorbency underwear</a> (at <em>Depend Canada</em>)</li> </ul>
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 2919 characters ) <p>There are a number of incontinence products ...
<p>There are a number of incontinence products available on the market, which suggests that there are many people experiencing the same challenges as you. Below are direct links to some examples of products designed to absorb leakage and to protect bed linens:</p> <ul><li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/extra-protection-underpad/3540035500,en_CA,pd.html#gclid=Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLn3b2kIxmzYOmgh7KnHl9RXI_sG83a7Fa1HlxNeDDpgJmvC9czams4aAsM0EALw_wcB&start=1" target="_blank">Extra Protection Underpads</a> by Tena (at <em>Tena Canada</em>) are disposable pads designed to provide protection for your bed or chair from toileting accidents. This product offers a soft, interior lining that helps to absorb leakage, reduce odors and maintain dryness. Additionally, the moisture proof lining protects linens. The cost of this product is about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee, for a pack of eight. You can also find Tena products in many Canadian pharmacy and department stores, including Pharmasave, London Drugs, Walmart and Shopper Drug Mart. </li> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Remedies-Washable-Bed-Pads-Incontinence/dp/B07CGCRLZR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1535044885&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=washable+waterproof+bed+pads&psc=1" target="_blank">Remedies Washable Bed Pads</a> by ReMED (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>) is a reusable and durable waterproof barrier that can absorb up to eight cups of liquid and are reusable for 300+ washes. This product costs about $70 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> <li><img alt="MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads, by AMG Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/AMGMedical_MedProWaterproofUnderpads.jpg" style="float:right; height:200px; width:250px" /><a href="https://healthwick.ca/products/medpro-quilted-washable-waterproof-underpads" target="_blank">MedPro Quilted Washable Waterproof Underpads</a> by AMG Medical (at Healthwick) protect chairs, beds and other furniture. These pads, which comes in three sizes (small, medium and large) have an extra absorbent polyester and rayon filling and a waterproof backing to prevent leaks. The cost of this product ranges from about $25 to $45 (CDN), plus a shipping fee. </li> </ul><p>You may also be interested in knowing about wearable incontinence products, such as those listed below:</p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.healthwick.ca/brands/Attends.html?sort=bestselling&gclid=CjwKCAjw8r_XBRBkEiwAjWGLlNPEmJZdDE9vCNXPiLDXpxXOfsYAMt09bBSnMKvnZneziwETaBKkMBoCcNoQAvD_BwE" target="_blank">Attends underwear products</a> (at <em>Healthwick</em>)</li> <li><a href="http://www.tena.ca/underwear/WomensUnderwear,en_CA,sc.html" target="_blank">Tena overnight underwear products</a> (at <em>Tena Canada</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.depend.com/i18n/mens-solutions/index.html" target="_blank">Depend maximum absorbency underwear</a> (at <em>Depend Canada</em>)</li> </ul>
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∞ (Recursion)
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Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
format (NULL)
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Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
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Is there a pad I can put on my bed to protect it in case I can't make it to the bathroom at night?
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