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To ask a question about technologies and related services:
Please fill out our Ask a question form


For all other inquiries:
Send an email to


By phone:
Please note that Ability411 is an online service for residents of British Columbia – we are unable to accept phone calls.

If you do not have access to email, please call 8-1-1 (or for those with difficulty hearing, call 7-1-1) toll-free in BC to reach HealthLink BC, the Province of British Columbia’s 24-hour health information service. A health services navigator will answer your call and may act as an intermediary between you and Ability411. Or, depending on your requirements, you may be connected with:

  • a registered nurse, any time, every day of the year;
  • a registered dietitian, from 9 am to 5 pm Pacific Time, Monday to Friday;
  • a qualified exercise professional, from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time, Monday to Friday;
  • a pharmacist, from 5pm to 9am Pacific Time every day of the year.


Mailing address
CanAssist at the University of Victoria
PO Box 1700, STN CSC
Victoria BC, V8W 2Y2

Courier address
CanAssist at the University of Victoria
CARSA Building, Room A102
3800 Finnerty Rd.
Victoria BC, V8P 5C2

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The Ability411 team can help with information about tools and technologies for seniors.

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Can't find what you're looking for?

The Ability411 team can help with information about tools and technologies for seniors.