Raised toilet seats: Can you suggest an elevated toilet seat for my mom?
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Raised toilet seats: Can you suggest an elevated toilet seat for my mom?
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value (String, 233 characters ) We were able to use the Red Cross loan program ...
We were able to use the Red Cross loan program to get a raised toilet seat for my mom for three months, but now we have to return it. I want to purchase a good one for permanent use that stays securely in place. What can you suggest?
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 233 characters ) We were able to use the Red Cross loan program ...
We were able to use the Red Cross loan program to get a raised toilet seat for my mom for three months, but now we have to return it. I want to purchase a good one for permanent use that stays securely in place. What can you suggest?
field_situation (Array, 0 elements)
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value (String, 2069 characters ) <p>If your mom was comfortable with the model t...
<p>If your mom was comfortable with the model the Red Cross provided, you may want to contact the organization to ask for the brand and model. In addition, if she was happy with the elevation the device provided, it would be good to know this measurement, as raised toilet seats can add anywhere from two to six inches to a standard toilet seat.</p> <p>Once you know the desired elevation, you still have a really large range of products from which to choose. Raised toilet seats can be purchased at most larger pharmacies, department-style retailers and large online retailers. Basic plastic seats can be as low as $20 (CDN). But they get more expensive as various features are added; for example, support handles, devices that lock the seat into place, lids that close, and even glow-in-the-dark seats.</p> <p>Since you emphasize the importance of the seat staying securely in place, we would suggest a locking device. Below are direct links to three popular locking seats, which range in price from about $50 to $150 (CDN):</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Health-Brands-Fgb32000-Quick-Lock-Raised/dp/B00EOAVI62/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506537368&sr=8-1&keywords=Carex+Health+Brands+Fgb32000+4%22+Quick-Lock+Raised+Toilet+Seat" target="_blank">Carex Health Brands Quick-Lock Raised Toilet Seat</a> (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>)<img alt="Locking Elevated Toilet, Seat by Drive Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/drive-toiletseat.jpg" style="float:right; height:250px; width:250px" /></li> <li><a href="http://www.vitalmobility.ca/Locking-Elevated-Toilet-Seat.php" target="_blank">D</a><a href="http://www.vitalmobility.ca/Locking-Elevated-Toilet-Seat.php" target="_blank">rive Medical Raised Toilet Seat with Lock and Lid</a> (at <em>Vital Mobility Home Health Care</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.rehabmart.com/product/ez-lock-raised-toilet-seat-with-adjustable-handles1-33176.html" target="_blank">Carex E-Z Lock Raised Toilet Seat with Armrests</a> (at <em>RehabMart.com</em>)</li> </ul> <p> </p>
format (String, 29 characters ) full_html_with_limited_editor
safe_value (String, 2043 characters ) <p>If your mom was comfortable with the model t...
<p>If your mom was comfortable with the model the Red Cross provided, you may want to contact the organization to ask for the brand and model. In addition, if she was happy with the elevation the device provided, it would be good to know this measurement, as raised toilet seats can add anywhere from two to six inches to a standard toilet seat.</p> <p>Once you know the desired elevation, you still have a really large range of products from which to choose. Raised toilet seats can be purchased at most larger pharmacies, department-style retailers and large online retailers. Basic plastic seats can be as low as $20 (CDN). But they get more expensive as various features are added; for example, support handles, devices that lock the seat into place, lids that close, and even glow-in-the-dark seats.</p> <p>Since you emphasize the importance of the seat staying securely in place, we would suggest a locking device. Below are direct links to three popular locking seats, which range in price from about $50 to $150 (CDN):</p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Health-Brands-Fgb32000-Quick-Lock-Raised/dp/B00EOAVI62/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506537368&sr=8-1&keywords=Carex+Health+Brands+Fgb32000+4%22+Quick-Lock+Raised+Toilet+Seat" target="_blank">Carex Health Brands Quick-Lock Raised Toilet Seat</a> (at <em>Amazon Canada</em>)<img alt="Locking Elevated Toilet, Seat by Drive Medical" src="/sites/default/files/ability411_images/drive-toiletseat.jpg" style="float:right; height:250px; width:250px" /></li> <li><a href="http://www.vitalmobility.ca/Locking-Elevated-Toilet-Seat.php" target="_blank">D</a><a href="http://www.vitalmobility.ca/Locking-Elevated-Toilet-Seat.php" target="_blank">rive Medical Raised Toilet Seat with Lock and Lid</a> (at <em>Vital Mobility Home Health Care</em>)</li> <li><a href="https://www.rehabmart.com/product/ez-lock-raised-toilet-seat-with-adjustable-handles1-33176.html" target="_blank">Carex E-Z Lock Raised Toilet Seat with Armrests</a> (at <em>RehabMart.com</em>)</li> </ul><p> </p>
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Can you suggest an elevated toilet seat for my mom?
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Can you suggest an elevated toilet seat for my mom?
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