Locating Loved Ones: Discrete GPS Locating Device Solutions
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title (String, 59 characters ) Locating Loved Ones: Discrete GPS Locating Devi...
Locating Loved Ones: Discrete GPS Locating Device Solutions
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value (String, 155 characters ) My Mom was recently placed in long-term care. ...
My Mom was recently placed in long-term care. I am wondering if you could suggest anything I could put in her shoes to help me locate her in an emergency?
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 155 characters ) My Mom was recently placed in long-term care. ...
My Mom was recently placed in long-term care. I am wondering if you could suggest anything I could put in her shoes to help me locate her in an emergency?
field_situation (Array, 0 elements)
field_answer (Array, 1 element)
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value (String, 1687 characters ) <p>Being aware of the location of your loved on...
<p>Being aware of the location of your loved one when in long-term care is a very reasonable desire and good for their own safety. Being able to be discrete with a GPS device or air tag can be difficult, but there are solutions.</p> <p>Here are a few products that address this challenge that we have listed below.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Products</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CQQKF4ZD/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?pd_rd_i=B0CQQKF4ZD&pd_rd_w=kZwPl&content-id=amzn1.sym.516c2169-755e-413a-a38a-68230f4ab66f&pf_rd_p=516c2169-755e-413a-a38a-68230f4ab66f&pf_rd_r=7CTGWC9ZWXSBH5MN162W&pd_rd_wg=E0ga7&pd_rd_r=55ebc1a3-3ca4-4b64-9fca-56dc011faed2&s=wireless&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&th=1">Air Tag Shoe Insole Holder</a> by Dyeoxy (at <em>Amazon.ca</em>) are comfortable shoe insoles that have a holder for an air tag in the thickest part of the insole. Since you are already using an air tag in your mother’s purse, using an air tag in her shoes would be a good option. This product costs around $25 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees.</li> <li><a href="https://metalert.shop/products/gps-smartsole?sscid=71k8_ztzpj&selling_plan=3595567348&variant=42783777587444">GPS Smart Sole Tracking Solution</a> by SmartSole (at <em>metalert.shop.com</em>) is a complete GPS system that is discretely hidden as a shoe insole. These insoles are comfortable for the wearer and provide GPS tracking along with a full insurance service. but provide a similar device but with some additional features. This product cost between $359 (USD), plus additional shipping fees.</li> </ul>
format (String, 29 characters ) full_html_with_limited_editor
safe_value (String, 1643 characters ) <p>Being aware of the location of your loved on...
<p>Being aware of the location of your loved one when in long-term care is a very reasonable desire and good for their own safety. Being able to be discrete with a GPS device or air tag can be difficult, but there are solutions.</p> <p>Here are a few products that address this challenge that we have listed below.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Products</strong></p> <ul><li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CQQKF4ZD/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?pd_rd_i=B0CQQKF4ZD&pd_rd_w=kZwPl&content-id=amzn1.sym.516c2169-755e-413a-a38a-68230f4ab66f&pf_rd_p=516c2169-755e-413a-a38a-68230f4ab66f&pf_rd_r=7CTGWC9ZWXSBH5MN162W&pd_rd_wg=E0ga7&pd_rd_r=55ebc1a3-3ca4-4b64-9fca-56dc011faed2&s=wireless&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&th=1">Air Tag Shoe Insole Holder</a> by Dyeoxy (at <em>Amazon.ca</em>) are comfortable shoe insoles that have a holder for an air tag in the thickest part of the insole. Since you are already using an air tag in your mother’s purse, using an air tag in her shoes would be a good option. This product costs around $25 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees.</li> <li><a href="https://metalert.shop/products/gps-smartsole?sscid=71k8_ztzpj&selling_plan=3595567348&variant=42783777587444">GPS Smart Sole Tracking Solution</a> by SmartSole (at <em>metalert.shop.com</em>) is a complete GPS system that is discretely hidden as a shoe insole. These insoles are comfortable for the wearer and provide GPS tracking along with a full insurance service. but provide a similar device but with some additional features. This product cost between $359 (USD), plus additional shipping fees.</li> </ul>
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