Swivel cushions: Is there a simple way to turn in one’s chair more easily?
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Is there a simple way to turn in one’s chair more easily?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
There are a number of products designed to help with mobility when sitting down. For example, you may be interested to know about swivel seat cushions. These products typically look like standard seat cushions, except that they allow a person to easily turn direction. They are easy to transport and can be used on various seats, including kitchen chairs, vehicle seats and office chairs.
Here are direct links to some examples of these products:
- HealthSmart Deluxe Swivel Seat Cushion (at amazon.ca) swivels 360 degrees, allowing for easy movement in either direction. This product costs about $30 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
- BIOS Living Memory Foam 360 Degree Swivel Cushion (at Bed, Bath & Beyond) helps individuals with limited mobility turn on a seat. This product costs about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
- Stander Auto Swivel Seat Cushion (at Wellwise Shoppers) makes it easier to swing legs and hips around. The product costs around $30 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
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