Securing insulin pump: What will protect an insulin pump during sports?
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What will protect an insulin pump during sports?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
There are several options for sports holders for insulin pumps. Choosing the right one for you begins by determining which sporting activities you will be doing. For example, a holder that sits on the mid-back likely won’t be appropriate for activities where you’re lying on your back, such as in yoga or pilates. Alternatively, a leg holster harness may not be appropriate if you are hoping to play soccer.
Below you’ll find different types of holders that are available commercially:
- MiniMed Sports Pump Harness (at Diabetes Supply Store) holds a pump secure on the mid-back. The product cost around $60 (USD), plus additional shipping fees.
- SPIbelt (at Amazon Canada) is a waist belt with a 6 x 3 x 2-inch pocket that accommodates insulin pumps and blood glucose meters. This 'no bounce' sports-pouch costs around $60 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees.
- Medtronic Sport Waist Pouch (at Medtronic) features an additional zipper closure under pouch flap to help keep the pump secure and safe during activity. The product costs around $35 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees.
- Medtronic Sport Case (at Medtronic) is designed to worn horizontally with a zipper closure. The sport case can be worn on a belt or clipped to waistband. The product costs around $30 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees.
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