Insulin timers: What tool will tell me how long it has been since my last insulin injection?
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What tool will tell me how long it has been since my last insulin injection?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
Keeping track of insulin injections is an important, but often difficult, part of diabetes self-management. An insulin injection timer may help you with this problem. Currently, most insulin injection timers have been developed specifically for insulin pens. Below are direct links to some examples of insulin injection timers that work with insulin pens:
Timesulin (at Amazon Canada) is an insulin pen timer device that attaches to your insulin pen as a replacement cap for the standard cap that your pen came with. This device shows how much time has passed since your last insulin injection. Timesulin is also available for various insulin pen models and can be purchased from The price of this device ranges from about $40 to $100 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
Insulcheck (at Insulcheck) is a similar technology to Timesulin that clips onto your existing insulin pen and automatically starts calculating the time since your last injection. Insulcheck is available for various insulin pen models and can be purchased from Insulcheck’s online store. The price of this device ranges from about $45 to $50 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
If you do not use an insulin pen to inject insulin, you may wish to download an app, such as mySugr (at, that will help you log when you last took your insulin injection and at what dose. Unlike the insulin pen timers, mySugr will not directly tell you how long it has been since your last insulin injection. However, it does allow you to log your insulin intake, which may help you manage your injections more easily. This app is free and can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices.
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