Large-print bingo cards: Are there special bingo cards specifically for low-vision individuals?
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Are there special bingo cards specifically for low-vision individuals?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
Entertainment and games are an important component of an individual’s health at any stage of life – and bingo is a popular choice among seniors looking for a stable level of excitement and fun. Below are some vendors who sell large-print bingo cards to individuals with low-vision.
- The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) sells several variations of large-print bingo cards (at CNIB Smart Life). The cards' prices range from about $5 to $20 (CDN), plus an additional shipping fee.
- Juvale Bingo Game Sheets 180Pcs (at Walmart Canada) sells 180 bingo cards for about $16 (CDN), plus additional shipping fees. These cards are six inches by four inches and have a premium glossy coating so they last longer than typical bingo cards. While a pack contains 180 unique cards, ordering more than one pack may result in duplicates.
- Royal Bingo Cards in Mixed Colors (at Amazon Canada) are a set of 100 cards in four different colors. The cards are around 4.75 inches wide and 5.25 inches tall. This product sells for about $22 (CDN), plus an additional shipping fee.
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