Walker selection: How do I choose the best walker for myself?
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How do I choose the best walker for myself?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
You’re right – there is a vast selection of walkers available! There are articles on what to consider when choosing a walker, such as healthline and mayo clinic. However, it is strongly advised that you work with an occupational therapist to find the right fit for you! As part of the assessment to help determine which walker is best for you, you may want to “test drive” one before buying. After all, even the more popular or most expensive walker may not work for your unique needs.
Many medical supply retailers offer assessments and fitting services. They often carry several products, so they are less likely to want to sell you a particular brand. We suggest you take advantage of this. Some also have rentals, so you may be able to rent one and see if it meets your needs before you buy.
Below are direct links to some well-known medical supply retailers in BC that sell and/or rent walkers:
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