Stocking aid: Is there a dressing tool that can help my elderly mum put on her stockings?
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Is there a dressing tool that can help my elderly mum put on her stockings?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
Being able to dress up in your favourite outfits, without help, can be an important part of feeling independent. A stocking aid may help your mum get dressed for special occasions. Below are direct links to a few examples:
- Flexible Sock and Stocking Aid by Medline (at Amazon Canada) reduces the need for bending over when putting on socks and stockings. This product costs about $22 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
- Doff N' Donner by Sigvaris (at Healthcare Solutions) is a soft device that allows you to guide a compression sock or stocking up and down your leg with minimal risk of rips or runs. Here is an instructional video on How To Use the Doff N' Donner & Cone. This device costs about $80 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
- The Steve (at StockingAid) is a stocking aid that helps to remove stockings in addition to putting them on. This device offers the longest reaching handles on the market and is available in three sizes for various leg shapes. This product is available through a U.S. retailer and costs about $100 (USD), plus an additional shipping/handling fee.
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