Keyboards for visually-impaired Mac users: Are there large-text or braille keyboards for Apple computers?
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Are there large-text or braille keyboards for Apple computers?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
There are two keyboards available from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to support visually-impaired computer users. The Large Print Keyboard by AbleNet, which is not compatible with Mac computers, and the Brailliant Braille Display by Humanware, which is compatible with Mac computers.
If you are looking for a large print keyboard for a Mac computer, there are several products available that you may wish to explore.
For example, if you already have an Apple keyboard you may want to look at keyboard labels. These large print, high contrast labels include braille – which can be useful for users learning to read braille. Large Print Braille Keyboard Labels by Riezen Inc. are available from CNIB Smart Life and offer some symbols for Mac keyboards. This product costs about 45$ (CDN).
The VisionBoard2 by Special Needs Computers is an Apple-compatible keyboard featuring large-print keys and high contrast black and yellow. The keys are laid out for Windows users, so these keys between the bottom left hand Ctrl key and the space bar will look different. This keyboard requires that the computer’s operating system is MAC OS 10.1.5 or newer. This product costs about 75$ (CDN).
LogicKeyboard offers several different LargePrint Keyboards for Mac computers. Unlike the VisionBoard, these keys are laid out for Mac-users. These keyboards range in price from $115 to $150 (USD), plus additional shipping fees.
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