Dressing sticks: What device can help my dad get dressed independently?
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What device can help my dad get dressed independently?
Our answer
Products mentioned in our answer below are provided to inform you about the types of technologies available and have not been evaluated by CanAssist. They may or may not be appropriate for your particular situation. Some technologies and devices may require an in-person assessment. Speak with your health care provider for additional information and support.
Your dad may be interested in knowing about dressing and shoe sticks. Typically, these devices have a hook or other gripper at one end. They come in varying lengths, so you should try to determine which one would work best for your dad and his situation.
Here are direct links to a few examples:
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IOS Shoe Helper (at London Drugs) can be used to retrieve items around the home, particularly footwear, and reduce back strain when reaching and stretching to get dressed is a challenge. This device costs about $60 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
Drive’s Lifestyle Essentials 24-inch Dressing Stick (at Walmart Canada) makes pulling and pushing clothing items onto or off of one’s body easier, reducing the need to stretch, bend and reach. This device costs about $35 to $40 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
- DressEZ Dressing Stick (at Capital Medical Supply) is both a long-handled shoehorn and a helpful dressing aid that measures 24 inches in length. This device costs about $20 (CDN), plus a shipping fee.
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